Rogers - Wrist Talk
Produced by
Directed by
David McNally
David McNally

Mutual of Omaha
Produced by
Lucky 21
Lucky 21
Directed by
Robb Bindler
Robb Bindler

Verizon Fios - Grid Iron Girl
Produced by
BOB Industries
BOB Industries
Directed by
Harry Cocciolo
Harry Cocciolo

Ford - Microsoft Sync
Produced by
Directed by
David McNally
David McNally

Baylor University
Produced by
Lucky 21
Lucky 21
Directed by
Robb Bindler
Robb Bindler

AARP - Silent Scream
Produced by
Tool of North America
Tool of North America
Directed by
Geordie Stephens
Geordie Stephens

The Walking Dead - Surviving Together
Produced by
Directed by
Jose Gomes
Jose Gomes

Christian Louboutin - Cinderella
Produced by
Cinelicious Studio
Cinelicious Studio
Directed by
M. David Melvin
M. David Melvin

Starwood - Project Sesame
Produced by
Plus et Plus
Plus et Plus
Directed by
Jeremy and Judy
Jeremy and Judy

Zaxby's - Guy on a Buffalo Wing
Produced by
Slash Dynamic
Slash Dynamic
Directed by
Kiran Koshy
Kiran Koshy

Constant Contact - Doris
Produced by
BOB Industries
BOB Industries
Directed by
Kim Nguyen
Kim Nguyen


Subway - Life's Important Days
Produced by
Company Films
Company Films
Directed by
David McNally
David McNally

Wild Turkey - Longbranch
Produced by
Lucky 21
Lucky 21
Directed by
Robb Bindler
Robb Bindler

Carly Rae Jepsen - Part of Your World
Produced by
Cinelicious Studio
Cinelicious Studio
Directed by
David Melvin
David Melvin

Cenex - Singer
Produced by
Directed by
Theresa Wingert
Theresa Wingert

Produced by
Anonymous Content
Anonymous Content
Directed by
Shyam Madiraju
Shyam Madiraju

Canadian Film Festival - Bank Teller
Produced by
Company Films
Company Films
Directed by
David McNally
David McNally

Produced by
bpg, RED Cam
bpg, RED Cam
Directed by
Steph Sebbag
Steph Sebbag